The Gujarat Institute of Development Research (GIDR), established in 1970, is a premier organisation recognised and supported by the Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi and Government of Gujarat. It is an approved institute of Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar, Gujarat. GIDR undertakes analytical and policy-oriented research concerning development issues.
Studies on natural resources and sustainable development constitute one of the important and rapidly expanding portfolios of research at GIDR.
The research portfolio on the theme of Industry and Infrastructure at GIDR is fairly diverse. This, essentially, has emerged in response to some of the contemporary issues pertaining to industrial growth both at the state and national levels.
Studies under this theme relate to population, demographic changes, labour, nature of employment, diversification of economic activities and migration.
Research concerns under this theme include studies on poverty relating to conceptual and measurement aspects, quality of life, livelihood options and social infrastructure, mainly in rural India.
GIDR in its earlier years till early 1992, GIDR was known as Gujarat Institute of Area Planning (GIAP) had mostly taken up area planning exercises.